Recognising Growth Mindset in Your Classroom

Research has proven that applying a Growth Mindset leads to success.

When teaching our students about developing their growth mindset, the aim is to help them identify when they are using it in the learning process and to encourage these words, behaviours and thoughts further.

The more students are aware of their thinking patterns, the greater chance they will have to develop grit and other skills needed to develop a Growth Mindset.

(Find a link to an awesome FREEBIE to help you with this at the end of the post).

Here at Rainbow Sky Creations, we are passionate about helping teachers and students discover how a growth mindset attitude can change learning outcomes and the learning experience.

We want students to discover how persistence, hard work, positivity and self-belief can lead to success in the classroom. The more our students feel successful, more doors will being to open for them in education. Our aim is to help create students who love learning.

That is why we are continuously designing and creating growth mindset tools and resources for the primary classroom.

Our latest creation is a FREE resource which students and teachers alike are going to love. I have been testing this in my own classroom over the last 10 weeks and it has resulted in my students taking on more challenges and lighting up when their efforts are recognised.

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We have called this resource ‘Growth Mindset in Action’ because that is exactly what it is about – identifying when and how students are using their growth mindset in the learning process. We have designed 5 tags (plus a student reflection sheet) to use in your classroom.

Different ways to use this freebie:

You can use these tags/cards in a number of different ways:

  • As reflection cards that students take home and talk to their loved ones about
  • To accompany student work
  • As a ‘brag tag’ or collection (we have included a sheet for students to collect each tag and reflect on their growth mindset)
  • Ask students to award them to each other when they notice a student displaying one of the messages on the tags

The tags have been designed to give to students when they have shown a growth mindset in their learning, so you can really use them in any creative way you like.

This resource has been a game changer for my students, particularly those who struggle with having a positive attitude when it comes to some subject areas!

Need this resource in your classroom?

Click here to download your free copy!

We are super passionate about Growth Mindset but we know it is not easy implementing all these new things into the classroom.

So we wrote a free guide to help! It is full of actionable tips, strategies and advice to help you get started or even level up your Growth Mindset game. Grab your free copy here.

What to read next?

How I implemented Growth Mindset in my Classroom

Books that will support Growth Mindset

The Power of Yet in your Classroom

Ways to Avoid Teacher Burnout

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